Monday, November 10

Dusting off the cobwebs

Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I last looked at this. I'm just starting OCLS Learn 2.1 and will finally be bringing my blog back to life. I've completed the first two lessons and found the WWI blog listed in lesson 2 to be fascinating. What a great concept for presenting history in a contemporary way.

I really enjoyed seeing all the interesting things from Learn 2.0 and can't wait to learn more. I'm also looking forward to revisiting some old blog favorites and discovering some new ones. For now though - I need to do some sprucing up of Ye Olde Sampsynposium before I get visitors!

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hey Joanne!

Welcome back! I am looking forward to the big reveal of Sampsynposium!
